Brent Haugen, WMC Office Manager, recently celebrated his second anniversary with the Wheat Marketing Center. During this time, he has utilized his considerable organizational and marketing talents to expand WMC’s effectiveness and raise WMC’s profile on social media. In addition to his many responsibilities, he embraces new projects, including:

  • Redesigning the educational displays in our hallway to improve the content and take advantage of the new videos coming from the states, USW and other partners.
  • Drafting return to work protocols on sanitation, PPE and social distancing to facilitate the safe return of all employees to WMC after the state’s work from home order.
  • Updating WMC’s website to keep it fresh and deliver more information to our stakeholders.

Board members have expressed appreciation for Brent’s efforts on such diverse projects as the October board meeting, which was a hybrid of in-person and Zoom, and clean audit reports reflecting good financial controls and well-organized records. Brent is generous in expressing support for his colleagues’ efforts, which contributes to staff morale. Thank you, Brent, for your commitment to the Wheat Marketing Center.